Correlation and s tu d ies of hab ita t se iection ; probiem , red herring or opportunity ?
^Biometrics Unit, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, 5463-C Broadway, Forest Lake, M N 55434, USA ^NERC Sea Mammal Research Unit, Scottish Oceans Institute, University of S t Andrews, S t Andrews, Fife K Y I 6 8LB, UK ̂Wildlife Biology Program, College of Forestry and Conservation, University of Montana, Missoula, M T 59812, USA ‘̂ Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E9 ^State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, N Y 13210, USA
منابع مشابه
Transcending scale dependence in identifying habitat with resource selection functions
M ulti-scale resource selection m odeling is used to identify factors th a t limit species distributions across scales o f space and time. This m ulti-scale nature o f hab ita t suitability com plicates the translation o f inferences to single, spatial depictions o f hab ita t required for conservation o f species. W e estim ated resource selection functions (R SFs) across three scales for a th...
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In th e p as t m u ch effo rt w as d ev o ted to th e com p ila tio n o f m u ltilin g u a l p a ra lle l co rp o ra for the p u rp o se o f lingu istic in fo rm atio n re tr ie v a l T h is p ap er a im s to in tro d u ce and evaluate th ree s im p le stra teg ies fo r th e ex trac tio n o f translation, equ ivalen ts fro m stru c tu red para lle l texts. T he g o a l is to su p p o rt the p r...
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GPHY 421 Sustainable Cities Prof. Ulrich Kamp 1. You will ta k e each exam a s sch e d u le d . M ake-up ex am s a re n o t allow ed—ex cep t a s lis ted in th e M ake-up exam policy below. 2. M ateria l for th e exam will be from th e req u ired tex tb o o k a n d o th e r re a d in g s a n d all o th e r d is tr ib u te d m a te r ia l. A tten d an ce for each le c tu re is re co m m en d ed ...
متن کاملAn Application of AI Techniques to Structuring Objects into an Optimal Conceptual Hierarchy
A method of " l ea rn ing from observat ion" la presented which s t ruc tu res a c o l l e c t i o n of ob jecta i n t o h ie ra rch ies of subcategor ies, such tha t each subcategory la character ised by a con junct ive d e s c r i p t i o n i nvo l v i ng r e l a t i o n s on selected ob ject a t t r i b u t e s . The conjunct ive descr ip t ions sprout ing from each node are mutual ly d i s ...
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تاریخ انتشار 2014